Live Phytoplankton
16oz bottle of Nannochloropsis (FREE SHIPPING)
Dosing 2ml to 5ml per 20 gallons of tank water daily is a great way to feed all of the biodiverisity in a thriving reef tank.
There are a ton of benefits to dosing Live Phytoplankton.
-Increase in PH
-Increased Polyp Extension on your corals-Lowering Nitrates and Phosphates
-Increase Oxygen available to your inhabitants
-Decrease CO2
-Additional food source for corals, copepods, amphipods, etc.
-Your Corals will thank you for it!
Multiple Bottles will have a discount based on Quantity.
1 Bottle Total for $30
2 Bottles Total for $55
3 Bottles Total for $75
+$15 per bottle over 3
Once you receive your Phyto please store it in the refrigerator to increase it's shelf life.
***This Product is not approved for Human Consumption***